JHCHC’s providers are dedicated to providing the best medical care possible to our patients. It is not always easy, but delivering quality medical care to our community is the mission that draws our providers to JHCHC.
Many of our JHCHC providers are natives of the South who always intended to return to the communities that nurtured them. Others were first exposed to our community as medical students or residents and decided to make Mississippi their home. Still others were recruited to JHCHC from places afar.
We even have a number who trained as UMC residents in Family Practice and decided to continue the mission of providing care to the underserved following graduation. The common bond among us is that we strive to provide the best of care to our patients, with compassion and dedication.
We are Obstetrician/Gynecologists, Pediatricians, Nurse Practitioners, Family Physicians, Internists, Physician Assistants, Mental Health Specialists. Our providers all have been trained to meet the medical needs of the community, and most are Board Certified in their specialty area.